Peter and Lori Wetendorf, Executive Director, RMBM
Linda and Randy Allen, Business Manager Missoula MT Office
John and Lorna Atkerson, Pastor at Butte Heritage Church, Butte MT
Jeff and Miriam Boschmann, Pastor at Lolo Community Church, Lolo MT
Lloyd and Suzette Dailey, Director of Camp Utmost, Greenough MT
Ryan and Kimmy Dailey, Assistant Directors of Camp Utmost, Greenough MT
Dave and Debby Donnerberg, Pastor at Faith Bible Church , Libby MT
Levi and Tami Durfey, Pastor at Superior Community Church, Superior, MT
Gary and Jamie Evans, Pastor at Clinton Community Bible Church, Clinton, MT
Wayne and Shannon Eve, Pastor-at-Large, Plummer ID
Steve and Brenda Fawcett, Pastor at Potomac Bible Church, Potomac MT
Jim and Mari Hunter, Pastor-at-Large, Columbia Falls MT
Brenda James, Children's Ministry at Christ's Bible Church, Hamilton MT
Fred and Kathy Jones, Pulpit Supply
Chuck and Joy Kear, Associate Pastor at Lolo Community Church, Lolo MT
Keith and Christine Klement, Currently Unassigned
David and Millie Knight, Pastor-at-Large, Butte MT
Wayne and Joni Koch, Pastor at Christ's Bible Church, Hamilton MT
Lee & JoAnn Lantzer, Pastor at Buffalo Community Church, Buffalo, MT
Luke and Erin Lacey, Native American Outreach, Ravalli MT
Landon and Nicole Marcott, Director of Camp Elohim, Troy MT
Art and Connie McCafferty, Pastor at Blackfoot Valley Bible Church, Lincoln MT
Josh and Danielle McNeal, Pastor at Mountain View Chapel, Twin Bridges MT
Joel and Jayci Odermann, Pastor at First Baptist Church of Winnett, Winnett MT
Cody and Laura Page, Pastor at Cabinet Mountain Bible Church, Trout Creek MT
Kyle and Beth Pettit, Pastor at Priest Lake Community Church, Priest Lake ID
Gray and Katy Repke, Pastor-at-Large, Superior MT
Bruce and Carolyn Rippy, Pastor at Condon Community Church, Condon MT
Willie & Bettina S, Foreign Missionaries
Dean and Jerri Sain, Director of Camp Lewtana, Lewistown MT
Richard and Melanie Schwartz, Billings Evangelical Bible Church, Billings MT
David and Minh Termer, Evangelist and Discipler, Challis ID
Ted and Jean VanDyken, Pastor at West Shore Community Church. Big Arm MT
Ryan and Tiffany Webster, Pastor at Drummond Community Church, Drummond MT
Tom and Mary Wood, Pastor at Christ Fellowship, Anaconda MT
Lee and Margy Wraith, Pulpit Supply MT