The Rocky Mountain Bible Mission exists to glorify God by equipping rural churches and ministries
to reach the lost and make disciples for Christ.
(Listed alphabetically by town.)
Churches We Serve
The Rocky Mountain Bible Mission exists to glorify God by equipping rural churches and ministries
to reach the lost and make disciples for Christ.
(Listed alphabetically by town.)
Bringing people together with Jesus and each other. Our goal is to build disciples who bring Jesus to our world.
Pastor Ted VanDyken; EMAIL or call 406-753-4115
We are a caring and nurturing assembly devoted to helping one another through lessons the scriptures provide and by worshipping together. We offer our talents and resources to provide the Word of God to our community and across the world.
Pastor Richard Schwartz; Email or call 406-259-6029
We are a body of believers in Jesus Christ who have been organized in Butte since 1996 (originally at the Butte Evangelical Free Church). We stand on the truth of God's Word, unite together in prayer, and seek one another and our community as the hands and feet of Jesus.
Pastor Vic Cline; EMAIL or call 406-782-7909
We are desiring to serve Christ in our area of His creation. Come join us for a visit and worship with us!
Pastor John Atkerson; EMAIL or call 406-494-9958
We are here to disciple and empower others to go out into the world and spread the love and teachings of Jesus Christ!
Call 406-327-2522
Condon Community Church is a non-denominational, Christian, Bible-believing, community-oriented church located in the beautiful Swan Valley which is nestled between the Swan and Mission Mountain Ranges of Montana.
Pastor Bruce Rippy; EMAIL or call 406-754-2499
If you are on a quest for truth, or are a new believer, or a seasoned saint new in this area, we invite you to come by and visit us.
Pastor Ryan Webster; EMAIL or call 406-288-1702
The Lord's Day Gathering on Sunday mornings is our primary meeting to worship and study together as a unified local church. Our gathering consists of praising God through joyful song, an opportunity to worship God with giving, prayer, fellowship, and most importantly, teaching from God's Word. It is a privilege to come together and worship our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Pastor Joshua Bidlack; EMAIL or call 406-264-5559
We believe, teach and live our lives with the understanding that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that Jesus Christ died for our sins so we might have eternal life. Though small in size, we are a vibrant and Christ-centered congregation serving God as He leads and directs.
Pastor Wayne Koch; EMAIL or call 406-381-8699
Children and Youth Ministry, Brenda James; EMAIL or call 406-363-3390
Hot Springs Bible Church is a friendly Bible-centered family of believers. Our strongest in-reach and outreach ministries are the lives of our members who witness through acts of love and charity to their neighbors. We emphasize relationships over programs as a means of glorifying God and fulfilling our calling.
Contact person Frank Carr can be reached at 406-741-2523
Faith Bible Church is all about “Helping people Find Jesus and Follow Him”. That’s who we are and what we do! We’re real people just like you seeking grace, mercy and strength for living, which come from God through Jesus Christ. Whatever is happening in your journey, you’re welcome here at Faith!
Pastor Dave Donnerberg; EMAIL or call 406-293-7441
We are a small country church with attendees from many church backgrounds. We are an elder-led body of three elders with one being the pastor/teacher. As a flock made up of diverse backgrounds, including Lutheran, Baptist, Bible Church, Pentecostal, and Church of God, we center on the main doctrines of the Gospel and living a life that brings glory to God.
Pastor Art McCafferty; EMAIL or call 406-362-4440
Lolo Community Church is a non-denominational, community-oriented church dedicated to seeing people mature in their faith and serve in the church and community, encountering God together in growth and service.
Pastor Jeff Boschmann; EMAIL or call 406-273-6367
Associate Pastor Chuck Kear; EMAIL or cal 406-273-6367
We are a small congregation in a small community with big hearts desiring to minister whenever, wherever, and however the Lord of Hosts leads.
EMAIL or call the church 406-406-793-0008
We are a small congregation in a small community with big hearts desiring to minister whenever, wherever, and however the Lord of Hosts leads. Come join us to know Christ and make Him known!
EMAIL the church or call 208-818-1276
Potomac Bible Church believes God's divine design for working in the world today is through the church as set forth in Matthew 28:19-20. Our purpose is two-fold: 1. The sharing of good news of Christ and2. The building up and encouragement of the believer. We are imperfect people serving a perfect God.
Pastor Steve Fawcett; EMAIL or call 406-546-7808
Priest Lake Community Church is a Bible believing and teaching church in northern Idaho. If you already know Jesus and believe Him, we offer you the opportunity to become a more committed disciple, to love Jesus more deeply, serve His people and reach out to the lost. If you do not yet know Jesus, we invite you to come, listen, think, ask questions and, when the time comes, to make your choice to believe Jesus is who he says he is . . . or not. Let His Word inform your eternal decision.
We can be reached at 208-443-2288
Ravalli Bible Fellowship is a community of Jesus followers who seek to honor Him by following the example of the early Church in devoting ourselves to the teaching of God's Word, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer.
Pastor Luke Lacey; EMAIL or call 406-369-3168
We are a small church serving a small community and are committed to being Christ’s witness at home and supporting missionaries in other places.
Call 406-264-5118 for more information or EMAIL us
Lone Rock Bible Church is a non-denominational family of believers located in the heart of the beautiful Bitterroot Valley in Montana. Come spend time and worship with us as we love God, love others and impact our world.
EMAIL or call 406-777-2592
We aim to usher people into the presence of God through praise and worship songs and the study of the Word of God. As a spiritual family, we would like to become part of the celebrations and challenges you face in life. We want to win the lost at all cost.
Pastor Levi Durfey; EMAIL or call 406-822-3225
The purpose of the Cabinet Mountain Bible Church is to glorify God, by living out the salvation brought to its members by the Lord Jesus Christ, in a manner, which is obedient to the commands and principles of His Word.
Pastor Cody Page, EMAIL or give us a call at 406-827-1009
Please stop by and visit us for a great time of Bible-based fellowship with our family of believers. Even on weekdays, if you see a vehicle in front of the church building, we're here!
Pastor Josh McNeal; EMAIL or call 406-684-5217
Come gather with us to worship, fellowship and study the Word as we work to bring the Son to the Sun River Valley.
Pastor Rex Heckel; EMAIL or call 406-965-3244